Title : Architecting B2C Commerce for Scale
Duration : 40 Min
Description : Building an eCommerce website is half the battle won, scaling it is a much more difficult war to win! The Salesforce B2C Commerce platform provides an ability to design, build and deploy eCommerce sites in an agile manner. One of the most critical roles in the overall lifecycle of a B2C Commerce site is that of a B2C Commerce Technical Solution Designer (equivalent of a Certified Technical Architect). The architecture of a site impacts – Performance – Scalability – Robustness Overall, it’s fair to say that the architecture is the defining factor in terms of how scalable a site can be for a large number of customers – 1M, 100M and counting! There are several critical B2C Commerce architectural considerations that come into play for building a storefront including – Caching & Load Balancing – Page Performance & Benchmarking – Checkout Flow Design & Mini Cart Strategy – Efficient Cross Cloud Connect Integrations – Scaling up without impacting performance The session will focus on best practices, do’s & don’t and pitfalls to avoid for building scalable B2C Commerce sites.