Title : Connect your industry to cloud using IoT & Salesforce
Duration : 20 Min
Description : This session is for developers to learn how they can develop IoT solutions connected to Salesforce platform. Agenda of session includes –
1. Introduction to IoT & IoT devices/sensors
2. Introduction to Platform Events
3.Developing IoT solutions using RaspberryPi or Arduino boards
4. Connecting IoT solution to Salesforce for sending events & storing logs
5. Filtering IoT data from multiple devices at multiple customers using Heroku
6. Sending events to IoT devices using Platform event
7. How IoT & Einstein are great combination for companies.
This session will give an overview of IoT & Salesforce Platform. Also, in the session will build a demo using temperature sensors for a manufacturing/transport industry to make alerts & actions based when temperature increases. This session will make developers ready working with IoT & connecting Salesforce with IoT