Title : It’s Time to Give a BAM! (about Moms in the Salesforce Ecosystem)
Duration : 40 Minutes
Description : Let’s talk about how we can all help grow the Salesforce ecosystem and support new talent, particularly mothers. It’s high time for us to all “give a BAM”” about the challenges mothers face with growing their careers and getting into well-paid, flexible work. We will talk about what those challenges are, and how we can all get involved in making a difference. We will see what we can learn from some of the awesome groups in the ecosystem, and from Salesforce itself. We will also talk about how this impacts all of us because the success of the Salesforce ecosystem depends on there being enough talent for companies to continue choosing Salesforce and growing their investment in Salesforce products. Diversity in tech (and everywhere) benefits all of us, and can make our careers more successful and satisfying. So, let’s start giving a BAM!
Supermums Training is working to empower mums to enter the Salesforce ecosystem, and we need your help! Join us to learn more about our mission and how you can get involved in furthering our mission. Also, meet one of our Supermums and a Supermums volunteer so you can hear more about our program directly from them!
Also, we’ll talk about what to do if your company doesn’t give a BAM, and Brooke will share her story about how she went from stuck to empowered in her Salesforce career. This is sure to be an inspiring session that’s going to give you all the #Ohana feels, and be a session to remember from Virtual Dreamin’.