Title :Building Trust to Enable Success
Duration : 20 Minutes
Description : Data is powerful. Machine assisted learning and analytical decision support capabilities have world changing potential. Why then is it so hard for technology to achieve the impact we know it could? How can we address the daunting challenges and inequity facing our world today – and achieve the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals? Build trust.
It is no secret that trust is lacking between technology companies, government and the general public. Inequality has roots in fear, and fear is the absence of trust. If we all stop to consider some basic principles, we can find our way to a collective solution. It will not be easy, it will take time, it will take honest, open conversation, empathy, listening… things that only humans can do. Yet it can be done if we dive in and start to change the conversation and peel back the armor that gets between people and the tools available to them. This discussion will merge key concepts from the fields of psychology, technology, physics and innovation to shine light on what it will take to succeed in unleashing the potential of technology to provide for all.